Louisiana Hospitality Foundation to administer financial assistance via Hospitality Cares

Hospitality workers who work in the 100-300 block of Bourbon Street:
LHF is opened applications on January 16th in partnership with United Way of Southeast Louisiana through our Hospitality Cares Program! We will be providing $250 in vital relief to eligible workers who were impacted by the New Year’s Day attack. Follow the application link to apply: https://louisianahospitalityfoundation.submittable.com/submit
Anyone else impacted may be eligible in the future so please check back and follow along for updates!
- Work at a hospitality establishment (restaurant, hotel, bar, or related business) located on Bourbon Street in the 100-300 block
- LA Resident impacted by the business’ temporary closure or reduction in hours due to the attack
- Earn at or below $31,000 as an individual or $85,000 as a household with children (figures informed by the region’s minimum ALICE Household Survival Budget)
- Demonstrate a financial emergency directly resulting from the temporary closure or reduction in hours of their workplace
To complete the application process, the following documents will be required:
- Valid government-issued ID or driver’s license
- Recent pay stub to verify employment
*Due to limited funds, only one grant is permitted per household. Assistance is not guaranteed for every eligible worker.